Thursday, March 18, 2010

An example of good parenting!

I was sitting on our front porch this evening because it was warm and beautiful. Lots of people were walking by, walking dogs, riding bikes etc. A mother with a boy about 4-5 years old passed. He was riding a bike which hit a bump and he went sprawling hands first onto the sidewalk. It almost looked like he leaped forward. He rolled over onto his butt and was clearly unhurt. He looked up at "Mom" for a reaction. I would expect to see her concern, maybe some sympathy, even offering a cookie or treat. Many times I've seen the "Oh, oh are you OK" response which usually just make the child cry. This Mom remained smiling. Her response was "So, did you catch the rabbit?" How inspired! He did look a lot like my beagle when she tries to jump something, only difference is no howl from the kid! I couldn't tell the mother what a good job she did, and I doubt she will ever read this, but at least I can tell someone. Hope it helps you keep your stumbles in perspective. May you "catch the rabbit!"

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