Monday, February 8, 2010

Clearing the decks

Although my weight was my primary concern, the elephant in the livingroom was my work schedule. I realized that I would never have the energy needed to make the changes needed if I didn't stop working 80+ hours per week. I managed to find my way out of solo practice and into a small group. This turned out to be more turmoil that I expected, but my hours were less. I started exercising and felt the weight would just melt away like winter snow in April. Many of you who have lived in Minnesota know snow does not always melt in April, indeed some big storms can happen then. Alas so it was with my weight loss efforts. On the plus side, I was exercising and feeling better. Change, however was feeling as remote as a Minnesota spring seems on this snowy early February day. There is always hope, perhaps soon action as well.

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