Monday, February 15, 2010

So what is OPTIFAST?

OPTIFAST is a trademark of Nestle nutrition. It is a formula based diet (shakes and bars) which allows a physician to utilize a very low calorie diet with patients. It is specially balanced and formulated to allow for an intake as low as 800 kcal and still maintain full nutrition, vitmain and minteral intake, and avoid starvation response. Because of it's restricted nature it is only safe when used under a physician's care. It is only one tool which can be used for weight loss and is only effective if combinted with nutrition education, behavior change, and exercise. It is mostly for people hoping to lose more than 50 pounds or those with medical problems related to weight.

The principles involved include proper balance of protein, fat and carbohydrate. This balance helps reduce hunger. Another is called "stimulus narrowing". I call this the "reverse buffet" effect. When we go to a buffet we overeat in part because of all the stimulation of seeing and smelling the food. It seems we are taking small amounts but we take and eat more than we think. By limiting choices, we eat less. having a choice of only shakes, soup, and bars in a few flavors, just makes people lose interest.

There is a lot more information on the OPTIFAST website. Most of the questions I get have to do with safety (only under MD supervision) and weight regain (no more than any other program and dependent on PEOPLE STAYING ACTIVE in their treatment.)

Although we utilize this tool a lot, we never force people to choose it. It can be very effective, however.

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